Banner Rotator
This program allows for easy updates of new rotating banners
without you having to go through your site updating the
banner script, due to the powerful admin script. Simply
install the program and you have a professional banner ad
rotator on your site completely free of charge. This help's
increase clickthroughs and thus increase the money in your
pocket. You can put your affiliate banners on rotation and
keep your site looking live, not letting your banners stagnate.
This script can also be used to display random linked images
of any size if you so choose. You can give weight to different
banners if you want them to appear more often than others,
and choose if they appear on the left, right or in the center.
You'll never need to go through your site editing all your
pages to changes banners again. You can simply remove and
add banners from the admin area and it will reflect across
the whole site.
- Key features:-
- Unlimited banners
- Weight banners to appear more often
- Any size banners
- Text under banners
- Web based Admin area
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the page
to view the different banners.
Click to download banner
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