your site Great!
Javascript allows a visitor to your webpage interact
with it, to change it or for it to perform certain tasks.
Javascript was used to create the rollover images already
When a visitor comes to your site a series of 'events' happen.
An event is basically a message from your browser to indicate
that a visitor has done something.
Lets use the rollover image as an example. When the visitor
places their curser over the rollover image, the event (message)
OnMouseOver is created by the browser. The browser then
checks to see if it has any javascript that is supposed
to be called when that event is generated.
These are used to gather information from visitors to
your site. They consists of a number of fields which can
be filled in by visitors and when submitted the information
is sent to a cgi, php, asp, cfm or jsp script. These scripts
process the information and can run a variety of server
side tasks. There are many of these scripts available freely
on the web, although for more powerful software such as
affiliate software you can expect to pay a reasonable fee.
View the section below on downloading such software.
Website Software
Some sites that we recommend for downloading
free software, purchasing powerful scripts and generally
making our site great are :-
- free cgi scripts -
high quality cgi software
- powerful affiliate software - free
php scripts
- free asp scripts
Style Sheets
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