CosmicScripts.com is a CGI script software development company. A division
of CosmicPerl.com we specialize in free scripts that we make available to the
whole internet community. All our scripts are coded in Perl, why you may ask?
Perl is very fast, powerful and reliable. It's also platform independent, as
are all our scripts. As Perl is installed on almost all web hosting servers
(certainly all good ones) whether Linux or Win32 it's perfect for website software
applications that are designed for the mass market. We have designed and tested
all our scripts to be very secure and reliable, this is vital for today's internet
with all the security threats that exist.
History of CosmicScripts.com
was started 5 years ago by Lyle Hopkins who put together a collection of free
Perl scripts which he created while teaching himself Perl. 5 years later now
that Lyle is an advanced Perl programmer he has come back to his old free scripts
and done some major updates teaching his latest apprentice James Smith how to
make scripts solid, stable, platform independent and secure. All Lyle's practical
years of knowledge in Perl have now been applied to make these free scripts
the most reliable and secure free scripts currently available on the net.
The People of CosmicScripts.com
A lot of time and effort has gone in to the latest version of CosmicScripts.com.
Not only have all the scripts been updated to make them so dependable, but the
whole site has had a makeover. New sections and features make CosmicScripts.com
a valuable resource to webmasters in many different areas.
Design and template by JR Bess - Web
Design Services at CosmicSiteDesign.com
Web Design Guide and site update by Claire Somerton
- Clairebear.co.uk
CGI Script creation and update by Lyle Hopkins and
James Smith - CGI
script design at CosmicPerl.com
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and more. |